
Toata durerea pe care am simtit-o demult, pluteste acum in van
Iar eu inca o data rulez in minte imaginea ta pe tavan
Si sangele care imi curge prin vene e plin de venin
Si astept ca cerul negru si apasator sa devina senin
Astept incontestabila feerie ce-o simteam atunci
Dar stiu ca e pierduta pe veci, in departate lunci
Si fumul ce te-nconjoara acum se risipeste aevea
Si pentru prima oara admit ca vad clar lectia.
Si nu-mi e frica, te doresc,
Un elogiu cu care m-amagesc,
Si nu-mi e frig, te caut,da,
Dar nu mai esti tu in mintea mea.
Poate doar in ascunse ruine,
Printre ale inimii dune.



When the ocean meets the shore

When the stars fall down through the boundless sky

When your eyes meets mine

That s when I start to believe that i can surrely fly

When u think u have nothing at all

And u wish u can fill that empty space inside

And u are thirsty for founding yourself all over again

When u begin to feel alone, open your eyes wide

Just try it, then you can begin to feel yourself

Don t hide it, just show who u are, live!


My love for you





I have this eyes for you, just in case you wanna cry,I’ll cry too

This hands I have are for you, just in case you wanna be hold,

My lips are yours, just in case you  whisper my love too,

My full is yours,so that you would never feel cold.

Don’t worry about a thing, you’re with me

I’m gonna love you untill you see

The power of love,

The lights above.

I guess you need me in u’re life

Because I am the one

That can make you laugh,

Make you feel that someone.

No more!

It’s so stressfull and I can’t find

You anymore in my mind,

It’s complicated, undefine;

I guess u were never been mine.

You ‘re so close but yet so far,

It seems you’re making it hard.
And I choose to feel free

So  you’d better listen to me

I can’t take this anymore,

This crazy, raw war.

Go ahead…say what u wanna say,

Because you know I don’t like to play

And all I need

Is the air I breath

And a place where I belong

Where I wouldn’t feel alone.


Tu si iar tu

Tot ce ne inconjoara e alb si cenusiu
Timpul zboara in nestire si simt
Ca raul lin, cerul si copacul aramiu
Se pierd in mintea mea,subit, in vid.

Secundele trec, la fel cum frunzele cad pe rand,
Simt cum trec pe langa mine fiori de gheata
Si privesc din nou ploaia rece cazand
Asteptand sa rasara trandafirul la viata.

Oriunde ma uit te gasesc si petale rosii cad peste tine
Sa te ating mi-e greu, dar stiu ca ma simti cand adorm
Si timpul parca se opreste in loc, visez cum ziua vine
Si razele calde de lumina scalda chipul tau ferm.

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Un vers in univers


Intr-un univers uitat de lume,
Cambrat de ale psihicului dune
Este bataia mistica destinata sa alunge
Raul provocat de atatea rani, dar ajunge.
Acest univers este inima,
Mereu calda si zambitoare
Mereu senina si nu doare
Amintirea vie din mintea ta.
Aievea traiesti acelasi moment,
Acea piesa plina de resentiment,
Ce se aude acum la radio; nu e de adio,
Iar daca vreau mereu sa pleci, tu vino!

Be happy!

Saturday night…my thoughts are running

Through my head before i realize

The thruth from your eyes

All the tryes and disappointments are disappearing

Slowly, blowed by the cold breeaze

Just see the emptyness and please

Remember that out there, in this cold world you re not alone

And change this pain with warmness and find the way home.

Don t forget your roots and wounds and smile better

Like you will live forever and have no cares and dare

To achieve perspective of this life and share it whenever

You will fill like it, dont close yourself in a mould forever

Try to forgive, try to give, try to love, try to care, try to be mature, try to fight your fears, try to understand, try to calm down, try to create, try to listen, try to realize, try to be, try to appear, try to speack, try to communicate, try to help, try to accept, try to change, try to forget, try to make it better,try to believe, try to appreciate,try to have more faith everyday, try to make yourselt a better person for you and for others and for nature.

Just trust in good

U need to stand up for yourself although is hard to say

Life is just a lesson and u need to have fun

The crazy jungle we live in can bring u down, but wait

For some better days and believe anything is possible

U need to loose some to win some, have faith

And that black thoughts in your head that sometimes can seem rebel

Can be tamed so that u can achieve fame.


Totul se ruineaza dintr un singur gest

Piesele de domino se retrag in nestire

Si le urmaresc atrasa de felul lor grotesc

De a se ingramadi spre a lor pieire

De ce atata graba? Fara sa cugeti inainte..

Si fiind atrasa de a ta fire ..

Ma grabesc si eu sa sar de pe acea punte

Si sa plutesc in nestire

Dar ma opresc si mi spun doar..”De ce?”

Poate m ai invatat sa nu ti zic si nu..

Si atunci imi spun iar..”Pentru ce?”

Poate ca ai decis sa crezi doar tu..

Poate dintr-un singur impuls

Tu ai vrut sa deviezi al apei curs

Si nu ai reusit sa mi dai un raspuns

La ceea ce l credeam al inimii puls..

Sonata for violins

As I am walking down the blue valley
I try to carry on all of my dreams,
Carrefully hear the sound of violins
It makes me feel sorrow, but don t worry
And I just can t figure it out who plays it,
Who intonates it
Cuz u coudn t know all the notes,
All  my heart codes…
Feels like music for my soul, baby,
I m just hopping for another cast maybe.